Music in my life

"The music is everywhere, all you have to do is listen to it"August Rush. This movie could be the best i´ve ever seen in my life, music is something so especial in the life of anyone,  its not just about fun music, its depeer, for me the musics means my therapy, an escape from reality. If i feel sad, i only  think of play de piano and forget any problem, The musics has the ability to interpret your feelings and convert them into notes wich will produce other feelings in other people, its an exellent method of making you understand without necessarly speak. When i was younger my grand mother played Paul Anka, Neil Sedaka , The beatles,The mamas and the Papas and now, they are my favorite bands , i love today´s music too but it is very varied ,Red hot chili peppers, nirvana, pearl jam,Eric Clapton, Los jaivas, Inti illimani, Evelyn corenjo, Zoe, Denver, Me llamo Sebastián, Alex Anwandter, up to classical music like Phillip Wesley.I belive that music is a fundamental part of the life , so everyone should learn to play an instrument, in this way society would be more relaxed and less violent. My best friend play the guitar very good, and sometimes while i play the piano, he plays guitar and we improvise, not always good but we had fun. 


  1. What a deep perception of music, I agree with the idea of music as a therapy. Keep it on it!

  2. What a great song of The Beatles !! i love it.

  3. doy you really like august rush? i never like it

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. I love RHCP, they barely wear tshirts on their videos

  6. The music is an emotional therapy for the life :)

  7. I always cry with that movie

  8. i agreed whit you, music is an important part of our lifes


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