My favorite piece of technology

Among all the technological advances that exist, Genetic Engineering is my favorite because through biotechnology it has been possible to modify DNA and manipulate the expression of certain especific genes. In this way many things have changed over the years, thanks to this today its  possible to make a square watermelon to making a gene that make us resistant to some disease.The vaccines also is the result of different genetic advances and this is very important for the world health because it if they didint exist, diseases like polio or tuberculosis would never be remove. If we start to see the rial power of  genetic modifications, we fall into moral questioning about the damged that can be caused because that certain proteins are modified and certain genes are controles  doesnt mean that they are necessarly beneficial.If they can cure a desease ,they can also create a new but well, like all the technological advances has its risk, only that being biological risk increases the level of danger. This is a very powerfoul weapon for good or bad, but its still my favorite technological advance.


  1. I love sciences just like you, keep writing<3

  2. Have you investigated about CRISPR? That's a pretty beautiful technique


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