My name is Ignacia Torres F.  Im 18 years old, i studied in Colegio Maria Auxiliadora de Valparaíso, i lived in valparaiso for 17 years but now i live in santiago because i sutdy here, in the Universidad de Chile, exactly in the Fac. of Chemistry and Pharmaceutical Sciences , where i found many  people who interesed for various mysteries of the universe and the scientific basis of this.
I dont have any brothers or sisters but i have a best friend and she is like my sister, a few months ago we travelled to Machu Pichu, Peru and in that place my interest for various theorys of the life, being pleased.
For me, Everyting is interconnected , music, sciences, maths ,destiny, universe and my life moves arround this , everything i do is becouse i really think in this like a different way to see the same things, and in my blog i talk about this, I hoped you liked


  1. Great thought, everything is connectes....

  2. Interesting I want read more about you, greetings

  3. interesting point to see the life, i enjoyed your blog

  4. What a mystic blog; it needs a Pedrito Engel, but I enjoyed it!


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