When i was 16, i dreamed of being a lot of different things ,i wanted to be  a dancer, doctor, mathematician, musician, even i thought about studying literature, and now  i hate human sciences like Spanish ,etc  i just like reading books about crazy theories of the life, but if i had studied this, i would be crazy ,in the bad sense. I always loved music and play instruments like piano , this is my favorite, and i  was ready to make de music my life, but then i thought " I play the piano when i have a lo of problems, what im going to do when the musics will transform in my problem ?" I dont wanted that, after i  was a long time witouth knowing what to do with my life and even thouthg i still love the music i didnt choose this way. When i was 17 a biology teacher invited me to participate in a project of VIH, but for that i had to go trougth to many laboratories to prepare myself and thus learn and be able to collaborate in research. I accepted and since then, microbiology turned in something primordial in my life, i loved to be in laborathory and i realized that science was my way for the rest of my life. Now i still work in a investigation about Helicobacter Pylori.


  1. Great history, I think you choose good, keep been that way :)

  2. Amazing! i hope that your investigations gets succes

  3. Wow! it's amazing you're working in a investigation about Helicobacter Pylori. :O

  4. good history i hope one day you become a great investigator

  5. i loved piano, i wanted to be a pianist until I realized i have no fingers... for piano. Keep going with your investigations! :D

  6. keep going that way, and you will become a great investigator


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