Person/Expert you admire

Being a woman and being a scientist is difficult, especially in times when meninist reigns in a society, in 1800, women were not seen as a person, if not as an object, the role of women in society was nothing more than Be a mother as a reproductive object and take care of the house and attend to her husband. Marie Curie (1867-1934), broke all schema of the time, studied and investigated even though society was completely unacceptable. She studied Clandestinely and then became one of the greatest scientists in history, not only for breaking social barriers, also for her advances in the field of radioactivity, She was the first woman and person to win two Nobel Prizes in chemistry and physics. She died in 1934 at the age of 66 at Sancellemoz sanatorium in Passy due to an aplastic anemia caused by exposure to radiation for holding test tubes with radio in his pockets during the investigation , I think she is an example to follow for everybody  and I would like someday to have the courage and boldness to face society as she did, and grow in the realm of science like she
and I believe in a Chilean and global society that offers opportunities for women to have a different role in this society and in science, which, as Marie Curie showed, a woman has great abilities if she proposes it. 


  1. I made the same post of Marie Curie. She's an amazing women. The best Scientist

  2. She was amazing! She is an example as scientist for all the women.

  3. Excuse me, but Marie did many of her discoveries with her husband :)

  4. Marie Curie was the most powerful woman in the history of science

  5. Marie Curie was the most powerful woman in the history of science

  6. Marie changed the world, we need more ¨Marie's¨ in our times


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