my blogging experience

Being able to write what you think about an interesting subject with some degree of freedom of expression is amazing! I feel the blog is a space where we can be heard and share opinions with other people and in this way , know other points of view, about the same theme.
The literature is a bridge between reality and fiction , in your blog you can play with this two dimensions and show to other people your creative imagination , when you read something, you are developing some skills that allow you to understand and imagine what letters say, but when you write , the papers are exchanged , now you have to write something  that is understood, coherent and cohesive, this is a little more difficult. Before starting the blog, i only read a lot of books, and obviously admired the writers, but i never thought of becoming one, since i feel that i have a terrible writing, but since i started writing, i have felt that i have gradually "let go of my hand" and have managed to improve my expression skills through this "web book" and i even thought that i could continue to write even if it is for me. I believe that in the future a "free section" could be add a  where the student can talk about any subject he wants, whether to continue one already seen that he liked or a new one that occurs to him, this free section could be or not, evaluated , That would leave to the criterion of the teacher.
 I think the topics we saw this semester were quite interesting, my favorite was "music", but if a could propose another theme it would be "what is your favorite philosopher" in my case i love Nietzsche and I think we should all investigate a little of the lines of thought of any influential philosophers in society, so we help to understand a little the behavior of our colleagues.


  1. Great post!
    I think the same, I really like in the future a "free section".

  2. The free section its a good idea !

  3. it would a nice adition to the class your idea


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